Improv Theatre in English

19:00 - 22:00

Haus 8 | Raum links

4 Antworten auf “Improv Theatre in English”

    • Hi Barbara, you’re very welcome to try a new language! 🙂
      To attend one of our workshops, please register to an event under Meetup here
      I see that the places have quite filled up, but even if you add yourself on the waiting list, there might be a chance for a spot to be made free. Otherwise, keeping an eye out for upcoming workshops is always a good idea.


    • Hi Ines! Thank you for you interest!

      Unfortunately, the event of the 20th of March is not related to improv, is part of a different micro theatre project that has closed registrations at the beginning of March.

      To have an overview on the upcoming events, please register via:

      Hope to see you soon in one of our workshops!

      Kind thoughts,

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